Data Scientist & Product Developer
Hi, I am Pawel from Switzerland
I created this website to show you my work on open source projects in Genetics, AI, Medicine and Data Analysis, to provide you with the tools that I developed for solving every-day tasks, and resourses such as books, courses, and podcats that may help you become data Scientist

Genetics • Healthcare • Analytics • Life Science
Get full access to my open source projects in Genetics, Healthcare, Data Analysis and life Science
AI • Data Science • Genetic Analysis • Data Visualization • MEDICAL DATA ANALYSIS
Discover my open source tools for EDA, data analysis, Genomic data analysis, and medical datasets exploration

Keynote Speaker • Data Science Educator • SwissAI meetup organizer
I build open communities of AI and data Science professional and I organize SwissAI Machine Leanring meetups, one of the largest group in Europe
Examples of my work on open source projects from Genomics, Healthcare, Life science & Data Analytics
List of books, websites, podcasts and courses selected based on my personal experience
Open source tools that I created to help with my daily AI and Data Science projects
My courses, presentations and interviews with Swiss AI industry leaders
- free online Courses
- Books on AI & Data Science
- Podcasts on AI, DS & Python
- Materials that I created leaning data science eg: python cheat-sheets, commented code examples
- Genomics
- Healthcare & lifestyle
- Industry
- Business intelligence
- PyClass – medial image EDA & classyficastion
- Data Frame Explorer
- GapJumper – pipeline for selection of reliable genetic markers
Top Stories

Skin Cancer Detection with low cost devices
Discover how I created a team of experts to build the first open source app for skin cancer detection and classification for patients & medical experts. In this project you get full access to:
- R&D Feasibility study conducted with over 5000 AI models on open access data from Harvard dataverse
- Turning R&D proof of concept into MVP on Renku collaborative platform provided by Swiss Data Science Center
- Business Model canvas & AI readiness assessment prepared for the project
Can we trust to food labels?
Here, I analyze whether an average consumer gets the same information, on food boxes in different countries, and how small changes in calculating Nuctri-scores may help presenting entire food groups, such as cheese in France and sweetened beverages in UK, as more or less healthy.
- Data Formatted and Cleaned using Python Data Frame Explorer available in tools section

Can we trust to food labels?
Here, I analyze whether an average consumer gets the same information, on food boxes in different countries, and how small changes in calculating Nuctri-scores may help presenting entire food groups, such as cheese in France and sweetened beverages in UK, as more or less healthy.
- Data Formatted and Cleaned using Python Data Frame Explorer available in tools section

Detection of new strains ofmicroganisms
This is the story, on how I developed entire software, and new algorithms for identification of new strains of closely related microorganisms, with cost effective genetic tools, scaled to thousands of samples. This approach was successfully tested on cancer samples, and new types of plants produced for agronomy.
Some of the challenges were as follow
- development of a new algorithm for evaluation of rare mutations in sequence data with missing information and replicates – implemented in GapJumper software package
- Development of new experimental tools for low-cost and large-scale screening of genetic markers in non-model organisms
- Genome sequencing with new approach using three different techniques
Apr 2021
Skin Diagnostic AI was deployed on Renku a new collaborative platform maintained by Swiss Data Science Center
Feb 2021
PyClass light version was tested
Feb 2021
SkinDagnosticAI Feasibility Study with 5000 models was concluded
Sep 2020
Data Frame Explorer
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